Helping others = helping yourself.

Donations not only benefit the charitable organizations themselves, but also bring you great benefits. Millions of people regularly give to charity to support causes they believe in and for the positive effect it has on their own lives.

So why is charity so nice? We have taken a closer look at five reasons why you might want to donate to your chosen charities.

Giving your mercy makes you feel better

Donating to charity is a major mood booster. Knowing that you are helping others is empowering and, in turn, can make you feel happier and more fulfilled. Research has found a link between donating to charity and increased activity in the region of the brain that registers pleasure, proving that, as the old adage goes, it really is better to give than to receive.

By contributing to charity, we acquire strong values

The feeling of social conscience is one of the most common reasons for giving to charity. Many philanthropists consider it a moral obligation to use what they need to help others, and this feeling is rooted in their personal values ​​and principles.

Having the ability to improve the lives of others is a privilege for many. Responding to this powerful sense of responsibility is a great way to reinforce our own personal values ​​and feel that we are living in a way that is consistent with our own ethical beliefs.

By doing charity, your children become more generous

Sharing the experience of giving to charity with your children shows them from a young age that they can make a positive difference in the world. Children naturally love helping others, so nurturing their innate generosity will likely mean they grow up with a greater understanding of what they have and will continue to support philanthropy in the coming years.

Start a charity donation tradition with your kids – try creating a family donation box that anyone can add and nominate a family charity each year, involving the kids in choosing what to support.

Your contribution to charity sets an example for friends and family

Your own charitable donations can inspire those closest and dearest to causes that matter to them, and can even lead to family-wide efforts to support a charitable organization or charities that are of particular importance to you as a group.

Family giving creates bonds by helping to strengthen relationships through a common purpose and by raising more money than would be possible with individual giving. Chances are, many of your family members are already giving to charities, so working together can help you make an even bigger positive impact.

It is not necessary to spend millions on charity – often the help consists of small but regular payments.

Benefits of Charity

A good deed can only be when a person does not just give away part of his money, but precisely “does good” – gives the disadvantaged a piece of his energy, disinterestedly, without expecting anything in return. This is not only an alms to a beggar or a donation of money, it is also a good deed, and even just a kind word. Even the meaningful pronunciation of the word “hello” – the wishes of good health, is already a good deed. Equally important is the meaningful pronunciation of the word “thank you.” This means that in response to a good deed or word, you give him a piece of your energy, making up for the energy losses he has incurred to perform this act. The result is a mutual exchange of positive energy, and each side remains in the black.

Some donors say the following:

“Charity brings balance. I feel psychologically comfortable when I participate in such projects. A lot of good comes to me – and I give good. It’s an inner need.”

“This work gives me a sense of fulfillment and meaning. I get high from the fact that I generate ideas that can change people around the world. I myself perfectly understand the situation of social injustice.”

“I was pleased to participate in the work that really changes the world for the better. My mood improved. I understood that the day was not lived in vain.

“The very situation in our world is pushing for the consolidation of society and mutual assistance. I want to come to work and feel some idea, not just do business to earn money, but give a piece of kindness. The emotions we get are our purposeful gross product.”

Generosity attracts not only wealth, but also vitality. It is believed that the more you do selfless good and kind deeds, the more benefits and energy you will receive in return for the spent. The more you give, the more the Universe returns to you: this is one of the main Laws of the Universe.

One of the simplest acts of kindness is charity. People involved in charity note that after they began to donate their funds to good deeds, their lives really changed for the better.

There are still many people in the world who need support: orphans, the homeless, people with severe and incurable diseases, lonely pensioners. Each of them needs help, but not everyone receives it – the resources of states are always not enough.

Charitable foundations take on part of the work: they look for money for expensive treatment, buy the necessary equipment for clinics, interact with officials and try to make the compulsory medical care system more efficient. These foundations rely on donations. If there is no money, they will not be able to work and thousands of people will be left without help.

Requests for help come from everywhere: emotional posts on social networks, donation boxes in supermarkets, volunteers on the streets. In order not to give your money to scammers, it is better to help through large charitable foundations. These are professionals in the field of charity who know who needs help and know how to provide it systematically, and not targeted. Think about who you would like to help – seriously ill children, lonely elderly people or orphans, and find the right organization.

Funds regularly report on the money spent and publish the results of their activities, so they are easier to check for fraud than a random person on the Internet. To do this, go to the official website of the organization and see information about the funds spent.

You can help with deeds and personal participation, and not with money. If you have the desire and free time, offer your help to charitable organizations or do good deeds yourself. Such actions are valued no less than monetary donations – funds are always short of manpower. There are many options: to take the patient to the hospital, deliver the cargo, help with the development of the site, take pictures of the children from the orphanage, organize an event, provide legal assistance. People in hospices, orphanages and nursing homes lack real human interaction, so they will be happy if you just come to visit or write letters to them. In addition, you can do good deeds yourself: donate blood, help a lonely grandmother who lives next door, or donate unwanted clothes to a thrift store.

Helping others is a great way to help yourself. This is because the more you help others, the more you will feel fulfilled. In addition, it helps you to grow as a person and become less self-centered.

We have all heard of the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child.” This is because we need other people in our lives in order to be happy and healthy. When we are able to give back to those around us, it makes us feel better about ourselves and our lives.

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